Thursday, September 3, 2015

These Are the Days….

Going to school and teaching school are some of the best times of my life. I was born to learn! So I want that for my children desperately, but I have 2 very active boys who think sitting in a desk all day and doing EXTRA homework are nightmares. Oh, well, they look cute in their uniforms anyway.
Kindergarten and second grade!! Both boys were thrilled to start school, not so thrilled to keep going back. In all fairness, we had the hottest days of the summer AFTER school started. Isn't that the way it always goes? So hard to listen and think and work after running around in 110 degrees. They started school on a Wednesday and the following Monday, Lionel looked at me like I was crazy when I asked him to get ready for school. "But I already went to school!" he proclaimed, as if those three days were it for kindergarten. Oh, sweet boy! There are 180 days of kindergarten! But they are flying already… So we are working on getting this school routine down. They do great in the mornings - breakfast, dressed, brushed, backpacks, and out the door. But asking them to do homework once they've kicked off their shoes and had a snack is a battle. They've both had a special volunteer in their classrooms (Mama) and soon I will be walking the halls as a substitute. Back to school, indeed.

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