Saturday, March 21, 2009

This is How the Cool Kids Wear Their Hair!

During an especially tired lunch today, Everett chose to rub his greasy, cheesy mac-n-cheese hands all over his head.  We tried to clean it up, but it ended up like this!  


Here are some photos from our day trip to Sedona with Papa Choo-Choo and Grandma Deb.  It was a gorgeous day (as usual) and we had a nice time doing a little hiking and a lot of chasing Everett!

He enjoyed running and playing on the red rocks.  I'm sure his sound effects were caught on many people's video cameras!

New Hat!

I have been searching everywhere for a hat for Everett since we have been spending so much time outdoors these days.  I found one that will do for now, but of course, he hates it.  He did wear it for a bit the first time.  But now he says, "All done hat" when I put it on him.  

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Papa Choo-Choo & Grandma Deb!

Everyone was in yellow!  Everett loves visitors!

He's Sitting Still!!!

Sunny Days!

Here are some photos from a sunny afternoon with Momma!

He had to take a book break on the patio.

Zoe is a new dog with her haircut and all that lazing in the yard!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Everett enjoys my "baby" voice so I make the baby say "Feed me!" and Everett provides various items cooked in his little kitchen.  He was feeding the baby some waffle below, but I missed it.

Kinda looks like he's going to punch the baby, huh?  

Everett blowing his train whistle.  He loves his trains!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Best Pals

We had Gabe over to play today.  The new backyard was a big hit with the boys.  Everett basically followed him around all day saying, "Gabey!".  After lunch the boys managed to destroy the playroom and then have a quick meeting in their office. 

The Grass is Always Greener in Our Yard!

Finally!  Our backyard has been overhauled and we now have a great space for playing!  The best part is that the only mower we need is the bubble mower we got Everett.  The grass is artificial!  It looks amazing and it has been great getting outside with Everett and Zoe.

What a pro!

Doesn't he look like he is very involved in this?

Soaking up the rays!


Mind you, we have about a million toys in our playroom, but below you will find Everett playing with his empty diaper box.  The first photo is him pushing his trains in the box and folding himself in half to fit under the side.  He did indeed get stuck in this position and called, "Help!".