Thursday, May 20, 2010

Happy Half Birthday!

I can't believe that Lionel is 6 months old!  Around here, we love to celebrate half birthdays, so here is his half cake!

Two Hot Mamas

My mom and I hit the town for a James Taylor and Carole King concert.  We had a wonderful time!

Puddle Jumping!

I dumped the water out of the pool and created a puddle perfect for puddle jumping!

My Little Man

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pool Party in the USA!

Well, the temperature was screaming "pool party" today!  We donned our suits and filled the pool and splashed the morning away!  Lionel watched from afar....soon enough, little one!   (Grandma is not thrilled that I am putting bathing suit pictures of her on the internet!)

Ring around the rosies

Pocket full of posies

Ashes, ashes, we all fall down!

Hitting the water slide!

It Happened!

About a month ago, I called Billy at work in a state of panic.  The gods were smiling down on us in the form of a new Dairy Queen being built approximately a mile from our house.  Every day I checked the storefront, desperate for signs of when it would open.  One day, there were people all over so I came rushing home to tell Billy, "It's open!".  I drove back must have been a mirage.  Then last week, my mom and I saw the lights on, the menu up, and employees inside! Back we went, only to see a sign, "Closed for employee training."  Blast!  Well, the "Coming Soon" sign came down this weekend and I made sure that Dairy Queen wasn't just messing with my head again.  No, it's true!  It's open and we were first in line!

Not a Fan.....

.....of barley cereal!  I tried to capture his disgust, but this is all I could get.

Clubhouse Kids

So I have been working on the boys' clubhouse for a couple of weeks now.  The idea was born more than two years ago, but it has been on the back burner until recently.  It is in the closet under our stairs.  Here are a couple of photos of when Everett forced Zoe to come up in the clubhouse.  It is not 100% done, so I will post more when it is.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Smother's Day!

Me and my Mama!

Everett: "Mama, I have a surprise for you!  It's!"

Everett made a cocoon and rolled around like this for about 20 minutes 

I must have been a very good Mama!

Such a handsome guy!

Hanging with the Boys

What's This???

A smiling-at-the-camera Everett????  So rare!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Can We Build It?

Yes, we can!  Grandma and I took Everett to Lowe's today for a building workshop.   Everett got an apron, a hammer, goggles, and the materials to build a small planter for Mother's Day.  It was so cute!  Everett loved the hammer and was hammering the workbench for most of the time.  When I would get the nail lined up for him to hammer, he would then try to push the nail in with the hammer instead of hit it.  And in true Everett fashion, he refused to smile for any pictures of the finished product.  The program is great - all free, but man, did I feel like a moron when I compared our finished product with the kid's next to me....maybe Dadda will take Everett next time...


I sat Lionel in a basket because it was the perfect amount of support for his sitting and, of course, Everett dumped out a basket immediately and jumped in.  He cannot be left out of anything!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Playing with Mama

23 Weeks Old!


Couldn't be bothered to look at the camera....Everett was running around!

A Day at the Zoo

It was such a gorgeous day, so we took Grandma to the zoo.  The boys loved it!

Lionel is showing off his brand new pearly white!  His first tooth just came in!

Watching the elephant with Grandma

Digging for Treasures with Grandma!