Monday, July 28, 2008

Hiding Out

I thought Everett would be so mad at me for emptying out all of the cabinets and cupboards that he knows how to open, but it turns out that he prefers them empty so he can climb in!

Swimming Class

Billy was able to come to Everett's swimming class last week and take some pictures. Tomorrow is our last class because we are trying something new - Kindermusik. We will start back with swimming next spring before we get our pool. The class was wonderful and really helped Everett to not be afraid of the water. He is an expert at climbing in and out of the pool and loves to backfloat. I'm sure he will miss his teacher, Miss Jesica, who he loves to flirt with!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Party Till You Poop

We went to a pool party/BBQ today and Everett had a blast swimming, playing with the other kids, and exploring our hosts' house. This picture is after his bedtime books and bottle. He literally passed out. I was happy because I got to cut his nails. Still can't do it awake!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Zoe Finally Makes the Blog!

Someone had their summer shave! We think she resembles a baby deer. Everett is thrilled because he thinks we got a new dog.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

"Take a Look, It's in a Book"

We read to Everett before naps and bed everyday so playtime is usually playtime and he doesn't want to sit still for books. Well, lately, he has been "reading" his books himself. He pulls them all off the shelf and very gently opens them and studies and turns the pages. He is so intent on doing this that nothing can pull him away from it. It is so obvious that his body is growing because we can see it everyday, but it always amazes me how his mind is growing and developing. We completed the library's summer reading program for babies this week. Everett got a stuffed bunny, a growth chart, and a free book.

A Camping We Will Go

Everett has finally started to enjoy his tent. Up until now, Billy, Zoe, and I were the only ones who ever went in there. He likes to play hide and seek in it and push on the walls to tip it over.

Another Photo Shoot Gone Awry

Wow! Everett is 11 months old! I was in tears all morning in such a state of disbelief. Billy and I were recounting his birth and the past 11 months tonight. What a beautiful time it's been.
Here are some classic Everett photos.
A great pose - not looking.

Looking, but done with sitting.

Godzilla stomps the sign.

Ran off with the sign.


Monday, July 7, 2008

Officially Walking

Everett has been officially walking for about a week now. He has good balance and is really good about catching himself if he does fall. He gets very excited when he walks and likes to follow us and be followed, too. I just can't believe this is my baby!

A Family Outing

We needed a change of scenery so we went to Barnes and Noble to play with their train table. The boys loved it.

Action Shot

This is Daddy and Everett's new favorite game...."Toss the Cookies!". P.S. I don't know why my husband is not wearing a shirt.

Big Boy Seat

It was time to retire the infant carseat. The boy outgrew the length limit and then some! Here he is in his new seat. He likes to look out the window.


I hosted a 4th of July party for our playgroup last week. Everett was very happy to have his friends over. He played very nice with everyone. While I was serving lunch, I looked over to see him reading by himself. What a nerd!