Thursday, February 23, 2012

Boredom Buster

If I could bottle our recent weather and sell it, I would be quite rich in seconds. Just gorgeous. March is my favorite month in the desert - spring with no rain or mud! Just all of the beauty and sunshine. But February has been just as fantastic this year. We've been at various parks and playgrounds all month and in kind of a rut. So I consulted the "What to do?" jar I made full of ideas. None of them jumped out at Everett, so I suggested something new. I had a giant bag of birdseed in the garage that was just sitting there since our bird feeder broke during a storm. I pulled it out and poured the seed into their empty water table, armed them with measuring spoons and cups, and let them loose! What fun they had!! And are still having. Total score on my part. Although my husband is fearing when the birds realize all that seed that was "accidentally" dumped out of the table. So far, my guard dog seems to be keeping them away since she suns herself on the grass 24/7, and then has to lay in the shade of the swing set to cool down. A shout out to the ol' girl!

It Only Takes One Stick....

We were happy to see all of the summer sand toys are out at the stores. We are in desperate need for new stuff since the constant sun here really does a number on them in our sandbox. We picked out new buckets and shovels and headed to the park in the wagon. Once we arrived, I spotted a giant pile of sticks probably left there by the landscapers. I may not be one, but I know boys pretty darn well, and I REALLY know my boys. It wasn't 30 seconds before our sparkly new sand toys were tossed aside and sticks were in hands. I must say, they played with them for at least a half hour and there was no fighting, no injuries, and no hitting. I was seriously impressed. Everett referred to the pile as the "stick store" and was quite happy that it was well stocked. I love these pictures.

You Knew It Was Coming

Happy 1/2 Birthday to Everett! It shouldn't seem like such a big difference, but it really has been. 4 and a half. Wow. So grown up, but still such an innocent, sweet baby boy. He was VERY into his half birthday this year. He asked to see his "half cake" about 25 times throughout the day. Each time he sniffed it up close and said it smelled, "Delicious!!" Lionel is always happy to sing the song and eat the cake. Everett has enjoyed saying he is now 4 and a half. Just like his mother. And he also uses it to get out of things....."Well, now that I am 4 and a half, I don't put away toys." Nice try.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

Everett had his Valentine's Day party at school yesterday and came home excited to look through his "treat" bag. He made a sad face as he looked at all the "princess" valentines from the girls and told me, "But I don't like princesses!" But one little girl gave out pencils AND pixie sticks and Everett declared her to be a "very, very nice girl".

We picked out some special movies at the library today and made red velvet cupcakes for dessert. The boys made their own pizzas for dinner, but that idea basically bombed since Everett didn't like the "dough" and could only stare at the cupcakes for all of dinner. I'm thinking Valentine's Day won't mean much to them until they have a sweetheart of their own....

Super Bowl Party 2012

While I was excited for the super bowl because it meant the end of football season (yay!), the rest of my household was excited for the game. Well, Billy was and Everett basically was. Billy talked it up all weekend, so Everett wanted to see exactly what it was. And Lionel was just happy to eat dinner in the family room and wear a hat he found in the closet.


Just some cute pictures of the boys playing pirate ship on the swing set. And Lionel using a soccer goal cone as a birthday hat to sing Happy of his many adorable talents.