Friday, November 27, 2009

One Week Old!

Out of Control!

Someone needs to tell my husband that now that the baby is here, there should be no more pregnancy sympathy weight gain.  Everett's picking out his donut.....oh no, like father, like son?

Thursday, November 26, 2009


We took the boys to the park this morning for some fresh air.  It was a beautiful day in Phoenix and both of them enjoyed it.  We spent the day napping, watching Curious George, and eating turkey dinner.  It was a great day - Lionel's first holiday and our first holiday tradition together as a family of four!

Thanksgiving Dinner

Everett just put his hands in his mashed potatoes and gravy.

Couldn't get him to focus, still worried about the mashed potatoes on his hands....

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

First Sponge Bath

Lionel is not a fan of being naked.  He didn't really enjoy his first sponge bath.


Big Brother

Everett did pretty well holding Lionel for the first time, but when he was done, he was done.  I had to lunge for Lionel before Everett tossed him.  Lionel loves to look at Everett.  He definitely takes notice when his big brother is around.

More Pictures

Lionel at home

Everett wanted to "touch" Lionel

Meeting big sis Zoe

Leaving the hospital

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Brothers Meet!

Everett was dragged out of Gabe's house kicking and screaming to come to the hospital.  The promise of an elevator ride is what finally did it.  He cautiously entered my hospital room and was happy to see me and screamed out, "Baby Lionel!".  It was like a light bulb went on when he saw him.  He smiled a lot and was eager to give Lionel a kiss.  Lionel had a good reaction to Everett, too.  He opened his eyes at the sound of Everett's voice (and whining) and was nice and calm around him.    It was very sweet to see my boys together for the first time.  I hope they will have a strong relationship and a beautiful friendship as they grow up together.

Lionel "gave" Everett a book called, "I'm a Big Brother" and two new trains.

Awake and alert

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Meet Lionel

First bath

Proud momma

Proud Dadda

Lionel's Here!

Look at that cutie!

Lionel's Here!

Hospital Time!

Time to go!

Bye bye Mama's belly!

Everett's all packed for his first sleepover!
