Saturday, August 28, 2010

It's Not Easy Being Orange

I am a major dork. I love to dress the boys in matching clothes, but I would seriously dress our whole family the same, too. I started out dressing Everett and myself in orange and then Dada and Lionel joined in the fun. We went shopping at the outlets and captured it on film!

A Wednesday

Just a few photos from a Wednesday afternoon.....Everett was super tired and annoyed that I was interrupting his show. Lionel was suggesting margaritas.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I have been keeping the camera on the kitchen counter to catch memorable moments faster. Today, I took a couple of really good ones. For some reason, I can no longer type captions like I used to, so I'll give you a run down of what was happening....

1st one - Everett was interrupting Lionel's breakfast screaming, "Goochie, goochie, goo!"

2nd one - Look at how grown up Lionel looks!!!! I can't believe it! He loves his walker.

3rd one - Everett once again tormenting his brother, but at least the walker is a buffer.

4th & 5th ones - Lionel's first time on Dadda's shoulders.....look at that smile!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Birthday Fun!

My baby boy is 3 years old! I have no idea where this last year went. We had a quiet morning playing at home and then headed to Makutu's Island for some indoor play. Everett just loves this place! Although he was having a hard time with the slides. I was waiting for him at the bottom and I could hear him at the top saying, "Oh Mama, there's a problem!". He was happier when Billy and I accompanied him. And little Lionel had just as much fun. Since it was a Monday night, it wasn't crowded at all, so I let Lionel crawl all over the place. Everett picked Olive Garden for his birthday dinner and then we opened the family presents. It's so amazing to see what a little person he is.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Everett!

Today was Everett's 3rd birthday party. He had a few of his little friends over and we had a taco dinner, opened presents, and had cake and ice cream.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I Should Have Known I'd End Up With.......

.....Two Goofballs! Lionel's personality is really shining these days. He is so silly! He loves to join in our laughter and conversations with this little fake laugh where he tosses his head back and scrunches up his face. He loves to sing and make noise. He imitates our faces and actions and notices EVERYTHING! I don't need to vacuum ever again because he sees and then picks up every teeny, tiny fleck of anything on the floor (of course, there is first an attempt to eat it). He is so fast, and cruising one-handed now. You blink and he's gone! At the water park today, he was talking to a group of babies all hanging out in the shallow end of the wave pool. I swear they were really all "talking". These pictures are him being goofy after a dinner of toast, cheese, and sweet potatoes. His self-feeding has improved so much and his tolerance for chunks has finally improved, too, making meal time actually fun! The very last one is my favorite.

P.S. I still don't think he looks anything at all like Everett, but everyone else seems to think so.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere

We went outside for a bit today and enjoyed some bubbles and the water table. Lionel didn't like the feel of the grass on his knees when he crawled, so he did some crab-walking. He loved the water table (he's a splasher!) and popping the bubbles Everett blew. Everett is really good at blowing bubbles now. He didn't want to go inside! We're ready for fall!