Sunday, May 31, 2015

There's Even a Theme Song!

And we're back! I apologize for my insanely long absence. Facebook pulled me into her cruel grip for far too long, but it is with much joy that I return to this blog and bring you…Camp Mama! What is Camp Mama, you (and my puzzled kids) may ask? It is a collection of fun activities, art projects, games, field trips, and recipes that I have put together to occupy the hours of our long, hot summer. But also, it is a way to connect with my boys and enjoy the time home with them. I first told them we would be "going" to Camp Mama a few weeks before school let out. Lionel looked at me and sighed, "Where's that at?" Everett asked, "Do we sleep at Camp Mama?" Clearly, they had no idea what I meant. So I just continued to talk it up, but gave little explanation. These boys are just going to have to see it to believe it. So, please join us as we venture into our summer of Camp Mama and lots of memories, stories, and laughs...