Friday, May 20, 2011

Last One In Is a Rotten Egg!

Happy Half Birthday to Lionel!

My baby is a year and a half today! Super sweet, silly Lionel is halfway to He's at that perfect age right now where he is still so baby and yet, so toddler. He loves to eat with silverware, stabbing anything on his plate with his fork and feeding himself - an independent little bugger, but he still prefers my lap to any other seat. He's the happiest kid I know, waking up in the morning with a huge smile. His language has grown leaps and bounds and he loves to say the words he knows and show off. The kid LOVES singing "Happy Birthday", so it was a fun treat to have his half cake tonight. And no judgement about his lack of shirt.... he's already been through several shirts today and bath was next. And no comment about my creative fraction candle. I tried!

Blue Skies!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Big Brother & Little Brother

Every now and then, the boys do something so precious that I tear up. They fight - a lot. They play separately - a lot. But sometimes they act like real brothers. Everett called Lionel over today to read to him and I ran for the camera.


I have to pat myself on the back for this creative lunch! Everett gobbled it up!

Mother's Day Fun

My amazing husband sent me to a hotel the night before Mother's Day. I enjoyed a great dinner on the patio, shopped, swam, slept in, and then welcomed all my boys to the hotel's pool on Mother's Day. We had such a blast! Everett had a tough time with me leaving for the first time in his 3 and a half years! The boy can drive me crazy all day long and yet bring tears to my eyes when he calls me as I drive away from the house, telling me that he doesn't want me to go because "you are a good friend to me, Mama." I love time to myself, but man, I do miss those silly boys!

Pool Break

It's nearly impossible to catch them both smiling, but we tried! We enjoyed a fun, poolside lunch and headed right back into the pool. I can't wait for ours to be done! It was so much fun having the boys there. It was the perfect Mother's Day!

Pool Update

They did the pool decking last week. It makes it look so fancy! They also put up the wall to hide the equipment. The next big thing is the interior pool surface. I'm hoping for 2 more weeks???

My Sweets

These are 2 random pictures that I never put on that I really love. They are growing up so fast!