Thursday, July 29, 2010

Side by Side

I know how pathetic this is. I really do. But yes, I took my camera with me to Costco in an attempt to get a photo of the boys in the side by side cart. They caught on to me real fast and all smiles ceased. I just love the way they look in the Costco cart!

Splash Pad

We went to one of my favorite splash pads this week. It has been at least a year since we have gone, so Everett was all about it. He kept begging me to put my bathing suit on and come play with him, which was really sweet. Lionel did really well on the blanket - he doesn't care to much for the feel of grass. He went in the water a bit, too, to cool off before we headed home for lunch.

On The Road Again

I took both boys out for their first wagon ride together this week. Lionel just LOVES riding in it. Everett is a stickler for opening and closing the door. We walked past some men trimming trees and putting them in a wood chipper. Both boys didn't blink - just stared, mouths open as we walked by. They are such boys :)

The Crazy Diaper Boys Gang

After a particularly messy dinner, I stripped Lionel down to just his diaper until bath and bed and Everett wanted to strip, too. He said, "Dada, I am a crazy diaper baby!" And the two of them went on to chase each other all over the kitchen and family room laughing their heads off. It was hilarious to watch and really touching to see them playing together. Everett is finally talking to Lionel as a person ("Lionel, come chase me!"). I am hoping that their friendship is slowly starting.

A New Favorite Place

We went to an indoor play place last weekend that blew Everett's mind. It was all contained, so we just let him take off (which was really scary in the beginning, but man did he love it!). He was like a flash of lightning, hence the reason I have no pictures of him there. Lionel loved it, too. He was busy climbing and building and cracking himself up. As we left, Everett said, "We need to come here again!"

Wow, Look at that Boy!

These are from a while ago, but I still wanted to share them. If one word could describe Everett it is physical. He has such skill at climbing, running, jumping. I do believe we have a born athlete on our hands. He looked at the ladder to this waterslide and within 10 seconds was up it. And he did it about 50 more times before the playdate was over. He just loved it. The bottom picture is a cute one of Lionel red-handed. He is a magnet to all things he is not supposed to touch these days. It makes us miss the days when we could lay him down and he didn't move! He has changed the channel several times during Everett's shows and it wasn't pretty!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Now That We're Living....Separate Lives

This is a typical day in our house.  Unfortunately the grass is always greener on the other side...

Let's Play!

By now, you have probably heard the "oven" game story.  Well, Lionel's new favorite game is called  "Wall".  The boy will pull up to stand ANYWHERE.  He stands and faces the wall and just smiles.  Standing is enough for him right now, regardless of where it is.   

Here is my master train engineer.  His imagination is in full force so listening to him play with the trains is one of the sweetest things in life!

Hey Mom, What's This?

Now that Lionel is a master crawler, every time anything is on the floor, he is all over it.  I blew up his raft to go swimming and I swear he crossed the floor is seconds to climb on it.  Another Curious George??

Monday, July 5, 2010

There's Something About Our Couch....

A cave in!

Can you believe this??????  We had to lower his crib this weekend, too!

Happy 4th of July From My Sparklers!

Almost 3! How Can It Be?

Under Attack!

Much to Everett's dismay, one of Lionel's favorite things to do is crawl over to his train tracks and rip them to pieces!  One time, Billy said, "Oh no, here comes a giant baby!" (Because compared to the trains, he is a giant baby).  So now when Lionel is on the move, Everett quickly says, "Get that giant baby out of here!"  Not exactly the brotherly love I was hoping for....

Friday, July 2, 2010

A Random Afternoon

Always a smile!

Best buds

It may look like they are playing together, but Everett is just scrambling to get his cars away from Lionel.  The reality of having a little brother is hitting Everett pretty hard these days.

Can't Get Enough of This Face!!!