Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Everett's school did a fundraiser to raise money for new computers in the classrooms. It was a "Trike"-a-thon, but since Everett just got his brand new big boy bike (yay for filling the marble jar!) he was able to ride his bike. He did awesome! He was patient and kind cheering for his friends. He rode around 11 times! The average was about 8, so he definitely has the bike riding down. I was so proud of him!

New on the Splash Pad Circuit

We hit our first splash pad last week! It was a new one and quite fantastic! The boys had a blast and there was a lot of space to run around, too. I'm so glad they enjoy them - I think they are such a great heat buster.

Donuts with Dad

It was so super sweet to see Everett all excited about Dads' Day at school. They dressed alike and headed off to school together. The kids sang a song to the dads and then "shaved" them with shaving cream and a popsicle stick. They presented the dads with a gift - a wooden block with their picture and it said "Chip off the old Block".

Look at Me!

It brings me so much joy to see Everett's people drawings. I've been waiting for them for a long time! I ADORE little kid art. Everett doesn't have a great love for arts and crafts, but it has grown dramatically in the last 6 months. He is so proud of his drawings of our family. I knew the picture wouldn't last on the magnadoodle, so I snapped a picture. Little brother grabbed a chalkboard and drew something so he could have a photo, too. I also ADORE little brother's copying big brother.

Pima Air & Space Museum

I apologize for the just a few pictures from the Pima Air & Space Museum. We took a ton, but I've been having a hard time uploading, so I'm keeping it short and sweet. This place was just awesome! Tons and tons of airplanes up close and personal. The boys really loved it and Billy was as giddy as a school boy!


"Mama, I just LOVE hotels!!"

Check Us Out!

Pictures from the Tucson Children's Museum here. While we were deciding what to do in Tucson, Billy looked this place up and showed me the website. I saw it had a dinosaur exhibit and got really excited for Lionel. So before we got there, I asked him if he wanted to go to a new museum filled with dinosaurs. Oops. Looks like that was an old exhibit. Thankfully there was one dinosaur statue out front to appease him. But just as we were taking pictures, he bumped his head and became extremely cranky. He then hid in the tunnel and wouldn't come out to even look at the dinosaur. Ah, toddlerhood!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Making Smoothies and Playing Vet


Best Pals!

Everett got to bring home Clifford, the class pet, for the weekend. I was really touched with how taken he was with him. They painted together, played Go Fish, and played outside. Clifford slept with Everett every night and Everett actually got teary-eyed when he had to bring him back. It was very sweet.

Firemen for the Day!

Everett and Lionel went to their friend Evan's birthday party and got a big surprise....a fire truck! They had so much fun. They got to go inside, spray the house, and even ride around the block. It was so neat to see them and all the kids enjoy it.