Saturday, March 17, 2012

Brown-Eyed Boys

These Boys

For as frustrated as I can get with these kids of mine, I have to just laugh a million times a day. They are so silly. And so very innocent. Here's a couple of cute shots as of late. Everett wearing Billy's t-shirt, his first March Madness bracket (that was hilarious helping him fill that out!), Lionel the pirate, Everett "helping" me clean out my car, and a small reminder that children live here.

Oh, Sweet Lionel

My baby boy is such an animal lover. He has such a gentle spirit (well, when he's not body slamming his brother). We spotted a baby bunny in our yard the other morning and it hopped right into the clubhouse under the swing set. It was a teeny, tiny baby and I think it was scared or maybe even lost and didn't know what to do. We went to go check on it and Lionel just squealed with delight! If it were up to him, he would have been sleeping with that bunny ASAP. We took Everett to school and when we came home, Lionel immediately demanded to see the bunny again. Sure enough that little peanut was still there. We gave him some lettuce and went back inside. About every 10 minutes, my sweet boy wanted to check on the bunny. "So cute!" "Bunny little!" "Hi, bunny!" It was too cute for words. I asked Lionel if he wanted me to take his picture with the bunny and he screamed, "Yeah, me!" and went to get his own camera. The picture of him taking the bunny's picture is beyond precious!

I leave you with this cute story. Please do not ask me what eventually happened to the bunny.

The Luck of the Irish

I thought this year it would be fun to tell Everett about leprechauns and make a trap to catch one. Well, if you haven't heard the story, basically, I traumatized him. He went to bed imagining small green people attacking and taking him in the night. Not my best mother moment.

But school elaborated on the subject and he quickly came to a solid understanding of it. He even had a "homework" assignment to build a trap. So we worked on it and Everett was quite proud of it. This is it (minus the gold) because "Luther Leprechaun" took all of the gold last night and left the boys 4 clues to hidden prizes. It was super fun to see Everett figuring out the clues and Lionel running after him. They found all the prizes and had a laugh at the tiny footprints I created heading to the trap. It was all really fun (just not at 5am on a Saturday).

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Good Times

It's been about a year since we tried out Enchanted Island. We went back last weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. The boys just loved the rides. It was amazing to me to just watch them both stand in line and then go right on the rides. They are so grown up! Something dawned on me that day. Lionel LOVES having a wristband or stamp he has to show to people. We bought them wristbands for unlimited rides and Lionel was flashing that thing like it was a rolex. They really loved the boat ride and the roller coaster.


Papa and Grandma were in town last week. The boys loved having some extra playmates around!

The Cute Cat in the Hat

To cap off Everett's first week at his new school, they had pajama day to celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday. I got to go in for the green eggs and ham party and see Everett in his new environment. I must say, he is doing great considering the total change of scenery. He listened to the teacher and seemed to genuinely have fun at school. I am so relieved! The kids thought the green eggs were so funny and they were so surprised to find out they tasted the same as regular eggs.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

While Brother is Away....

Now that Everett is at his new school, Lionel and I have a whole extra hour together Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It is so nice to not have to rush back to school. We actually have enough time for errands and some fun at home. On this particular day, we spent some time in the sunshine washing dinosaurs. Lionel is so good at playing by himself and I think he will be really into dinosaurs.

First Day of School Part Deux

Everett just made a big switch to a new school. Although it was bittersweet for him to leave his friends, he seems to be adjusting nicely. One big change is he now wears a uniform! Looking sharp!