Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas with Friends

Christmas with best pal, Gabe

A little love for Cairn Terrier

A "Guy" hug

Zoe suns herself on the patio on Christmas - she could never go back to those cold winters now!

Christmas Morning!

Christmas Morning!

Christmas Eve 2009

We had a nice dinner out at the Cheesecake Factory with our little guys.  Everyone held it together and we enjoyed ourselves.  We had to hurry home to put out cookies and milk for Santa.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ho Ho Ho!

It was the world's fastest sitting on Santa's lap today.  We were seconds away from a double meltdown.  But we got it on camera and that's all Momma cares about!

4 Weeks Old Already!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fun in the Snow

I know many of you will think that what we did today was ridiculous, but we had an awesome time and it was just enough of the white stuff for me.  We went to one of our favorite outdoor malls where they had a festival for kids with snow to play in.  It was about 50 degrees and cloudy so it certainly was a real winter day.  Everett wasn't excited about the snow at first.   There were a lot of big kids playing rough which I think scared him a bit, but eventually Dadda got him into the snow and he loved it.  Lionel and I just watched from the sidelines.

Finishing off the snow day fun with a donut!

Decorating Our Tree

The boys and I put up our little tree yesterday.  Everett screamed, "A Christmas tree in our house!" all day.  He loved decorating it.  I also put the boys in matching outfits for the first time.....I love it!

Two Weeks Old!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Boys' Night Out

Everett and Dadda joined best buds Gabe and Jeff for a fun night.  The Phoenix Fire Department and Police Department held an even where anyone who brought a new, unwrapped gift to donate for the holidays could take a ride in the fire trick or police car.  Everett had a blast!  I stayed home with Lionel and when they got home, Everett ran in the house screaming, "Everett rode a fire truck!".  He even got a hat and badge.  He is still talking about it at this moment even though I put him to bed an hour ago!

Second Week

Gina is in town for work and visits.

Dressed for a chilly walk with Momma