Monday, June 30, 2008

Grandma & Grandpa Visit!

My parents came in for a visit this past weekend. We had a lovely time watching the "Master of Disaster" play. He has gotten so much better at walking in just a few short days. He was crossing the room yesterday and today. We went out for breakfast and Everett got a balloon that occupied him for HOURS. He carried it around by the string all day.


I bought Everett some fingerpaint and we had our first painting session last week. He LOVED it. He loved to dip his finger in the paint. I managed to get three masterpieces out of him before he rubbed his eyes with green paint all over his hands. He looked like the Incredible Hulk.

His priceless works of art.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Everett loves this ball. He pushes it and then follows it all around the house. He has started to throw it, too. That's what happened right after I took this photo.

I bought him this table so he could stand and play, but all he does is push it and walk. It's pretty funny. He's like an old man with a walker.

This is the toy he is supposed to push and walk with! He goes so fast that sometimes he falls to his knees, but keeps going! He gets a very proud look on his face when he walks across the room. He has been doing really well on his own, too. He took 4 steps yesterday and is doing really well at standing on his own. He can bend over and pick something up while standing by himself. He is still very bowlegged so he always looks like a cowboy who just got off his horse.

At The Splashpark With Our Friends

This Is Me Not Getting What I Want

Friday, June 20, 2008

Walk Like A Man

Everett has been taking some steps! He usually keeps cruising after he runs out of couch, but today he was standing on his own and then took two really good steps. It won't be long....

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Okay, so he has a huge hunk of pancake on his face, but doesn't this picture just melt your heart?

Hide and Seek

Our favorite game right now is hide and seek. All I have to say is "Where's Mommy?" and he stops whatever he's doing and comes to look for me. He loves standing at this table and then peeking down to see me under it.

10 Months Old!

I honestly don't know how photographers take pictures of babies. Their attention span is less than a second. The below photo shoot took me a half hour to do! The sign was eaten, ripped, thrown, and crumbled within the first 20 seconds.
His feet sunk into the crack of the couch cushions and he was stuck, but he thought it was hilarious. I was just glad he was still for a second!

Sees the tissue box and starts to reach for them.....

Success! He has been doing this a lot lately. He likes the way they pull out of the box.

Yes, he is standing ON the couch, by himself. Lord help me!

Houston, We Have A Problem

While Daddy was watching golf and enjoying his first Father's Day.....Everett learned a new trick. He climbed up onto the hearth, stuck his hand in the VCR, and touched the Plasma.
Daddy is not too happy about this!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Go Speed Racer!

Everett has been doing so well cruising all over the place that I bought him this push toy. He is really starting to get the hang of it and has begun standing without holding on. He is still wobbly, but as always, fearless.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

One of the Guys

It was hot out today so we thought we'd play indoors and go to the mall's play area. Well, so did the rest of Phoenix. It was thunderdome in there, but Everett loved it. He took off and headed for a cactus slide. Billy had to keep careful watch of our little guy and ended up stepping on some girl's hand. Thankfully that was the only casualty.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I had to get at least one shot in of the snaggletooth before it is forgotten. He's finally getting his two front teeth, so the snaggle will not be his only upper tooth anymore. It has been quite a smile he's been flashing these last few weeks. It suits him so well.

Sure! I'll Help, Mom!

I'm training him early to love household tasks so when the time comes, he will be jumping at the chance!

Everett's Partner in Crime

Everett got to hang out with his BFF this weekend. The boys were all over the place. Everett kept trying to pull up on Gabe, knocking him down. Let the wrestling begin!