Thursday, June 26, 2008


Everett loves this ball. He pushes it and then follows it all around the house. He has started to throw it, too. That's what happened right after I took this photo.

I bought him this table so he could stand and play, but all he does is push it and walk. It's pretty funny. He's like an old man with a walker.

This is the toy he is supposed to push and walk with! He goes so fast that sometimes he falls to his knees, but keeps going! He gets a very proud look on his face when he walks across the room. He has been doing really well on his own, too. He took 4 steps yesterday and is doing really well at standing on his own. He can bend over and pick something up while standing by himself. He is still very bowlegged so he always looks like a cowboy who just got off his horse.

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