Saturday, December 25, 2010


It's been our tradition now to go to Cheesecake Factory for Christmas Eve dinner. We hit Crate and Barrel's elevator and escalator first (since we learned last year that they close early on Christmas Eve). The boys did awesome. We had a lovely dinner. Next to us was a family with FIVE boys! That poor woman! Our service was exceptional, so we had some time to run around the plaza's Christmas tree. There was an area Everett referred to as "the stage" where he and a little girl were putting on a show for everyone. Of course, little Lionel had to climb up there, too. He has really learned that he needs to do whatever his big brother is doing. Pete and repeat.

We headed home and got Santa's cookie ready. We also left carrots for Rudolph and celery for Clarice (Rudolph's girlfriend....if you haven't seen the "new" Rudolph special 100 times, like us, you might not know this.) And Mama and Dada watched "Love Actually" and helped Santa put out presents. Later in bed, as I watched "A Christmas Story", I realized that my boys are just like Ralphie and Randy! Everett is super serious like Ralphie and Lionel has many Randy tendencies, especially at meal time. Maybe I need to try the little piggy idea?

Christmas 2010

Merry Christmas from our family to yours! It was a fun day that started with excitement - Santa ate the cookie! The boys took FOREVER to open their gifts. We had to open, assemble, and play with each one before we could move on. I wasn't expecting that! I also wasn't expecting Lionel to covet everything Everett received. I pictured it the other way around.

Everett felt pretty yucky after the gifts were opened, so there was a lot of napping, TV watching, and laying around. Sunny and 72 degrees, we also played outside and had the windows open. I made chicken paprikash and everyone went to bed early.

The surprise hot gift was a soup ladle I got from Billy. (Yes, I asked for it.) Both boys played with it and Everett even snuggled with it on the couch.

We have one more celebration tomorrow and then we prepare for a certain someone's 35th birthday and 2011!

Poor Everett ended up with a fever after the unwrapping. Watching movies all day seemed to help.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Picnic

There's nothing better than a sunny picnic in the park on Christmas Eve! Lionel loved the steering wheel (as always) and Everett showed us his best pouting after he tried bossing around some older girls and they weren't having any of it.

Building with Candy!

Everett and I made our first gingerbread house this year. It was really fun until Everett started eating all of the supplies!

Holiday Fun

After years and years of trying, I was finally successful making cut-out cookies. I had wanted to photograph them, but they were enjoyed quickly. Everett's tongue is proof of that.

Santa and Mrs. Claus were everywhere this month. We caught up with them at the farmer's market last week. Santa asked Everett if he had been good and Everett looked over at me with his eyebrows raised. What a character!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Santa's On Board!

Santa came on board and visited with each of the children and gave them a silver bell from the reindeer's harness. This is straight from the book. (That is why Everett is checking for a pocket in his PJ pants.) The best part was that Everett looked at the bell that Santa gave him and said, "No, I wanted a purple car." He was mad that Santa wasn't giving him what he had asked for! Oh, that boy! Lionel slept through Santa, but not through all the very loud Christmas carols.

At The North Pole!


We are off to the North Pole!

Tickets, Please! All Aboard!

Getting Our PJs On!