Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Our Helper

Since our weather has been so amazing lately, Billy has been trying to get into the backyard to weed.  Even though we live in the desert, our backyard grows like the Amazon rainforest. Everett really wanted to help Dada, so we gave him his own shovel and let him go.  He mostly played with rocks and chanted, "Weeds, weeds, everywhere!".

His partner in crime convinced him to bother the neighbor's yappy dogs.  I love this picture!

McCormick Railroad Park

We tried out a new train park this past weekend.  It had a a great playground, life- size trains, a small ride-on train, a carousel, and tons of wide open spaces.  We had a great morning!

Billy didn't quite capture the combination of terror and delight on this bizarre slide.  The tubes rolled as you went down creating a very bumpy effect.  I sent him down and he wasn't sure whether to hate it or love it!

Here is the train going by.  It went around a one mile track around the park.  Every seat was taken each time.  The kids all wave as the train goes by.

Here is Everett breaking from the playground to watch the train go by.

"Go run Everett."

....Two seconds later....
This is a little "Western Town" playground.  It had a jail and a bunch of kids and parents were inside sitting down on the ground.  Everett walked in and sat down, too, as if that was the thing to do.  

Momma loves her General Stores!

Everett wanted to drive the stagecoach.

It took FOREVER to get him to look away from the train and at the camera!!

Before we left, Everett took a turn on the carousel (he didn't last long riding on the horse).

Thursday, June 4, 2009

There's a New Obsession in Town....

Everett loves his trains.  I mean, he LOVES his trains!  He knows all their names, he kisses them and tells them he loves them, he sleeps with them, he quotes them from the Thomas show.   It is an obsession like no other.  BUT, he recently requested to watch Bob the Builder.  We have Bob books and he saw the show once or twice long before he liked TV, and out of the blue, he asked to watch it.  I DVR'd an episode and he watched it with a smile on his face.  We have not watched anything since.  (It's been 5 days).  He loves this Bob episode!  He can quote it and sings the theme song.  He refuses any offer to watch Thomas.  It's rather bizarre!

I bought him this "hard hat" for his dress up box and he's worn it once since he got it, but after a couple of days of Bob the Builder, you can see that it holds new meaning for him!  We were headed out for a mall outing and he had to wear the hat.  (He did throw it off about 15 minutes into the outing.  It's a bit big on him and kept falling over his eyes.)

Big Boy!

Everett has always tried his best at using utensils, but they slow him down.  Eating must be done quickly in order to get back to playing!  But we have spotted him using his fork and spoon a lot lately.  Here he is with yogurt on his own for the first time!