Thursday, December 22, 2011


Being a mom of two boys, I am constantly amazed at the difference between what they find fun and what I do. Boys are so physical, it is ridiculous! Walking by these giant ornaments, the boys HAD to try and pick them up. It's not, "Oh, look at those!" it's, "I am going to carry that!". To which Lionel after a strained attempt said, "Mama, HEAVY!"

Lunch with Santa

We went to lunch with Santa today. Lionel has been a bit frightened of Santa this year, but it was a large place and the kids got a sack lunch and got to dance to a DJ, so I figured he'd be okay. He was a little nervous sitting on his lap and you'll notice that they both are devoid of emotion in their photo with him, but overall, it was fun. The boys loved the DJ and the dancing part. I saw some very original moves.....

Everett's Christmas Party at School

Wednesday was Everett's last of school before Christmas break, so they had a little sing along and the teachers put on a play. Then, the kids played outside (Everett is really into the bikes right now) and then had a pizza party. Lionel and I joined them and Lionel got to be a big kid that day. Something he rather enjoys.

Gingerbread Village

Lionel took a super short nap the other day, leaving us with way too much time on our hands in the afternoon. So we ventured out to the JW Marriot to see their famous gingerbread village. It wasn't quite what I expected, but it had a train so it occupied them for a bit. I couldn't get Lionel to look at the camera, but as long as he wasn't eating the display, I was okay with that. We walked around the grounds a bit, too, and I was reminded how fantastic winter is in AZ!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Field Trip!

I took the boys to a fire station this week courtesy of a friend's fireman husband. They toured the station and then were given free reign over the two trucks. It was like Christmas morning! The boys loved it so much! I loved watching them. They are still wearing their hats 5 days later.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Look Out!

The firemen backed the truck out so they could take turns spraying the hose. It was so sweet to see how excited this simple thing made the kids! Lionel acted all timid until he got it in his hands and pushed the fireman away! I took cover!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Sweet, Sweet Lionel!!!!!


World Wildlife Zoo & Aquarium

We headed out for some family/birthday adventure today! The boys LOVED the aquarium part. Everett would look quickly at the exhibit and then say, "Come on guys, let's go deeper!" There were long dark halls, so maybe he thought it was like going deeper into a cave? And Lionel would run over and say, "Mama, look!" and sometimes there wasn't even an animal, just a food dish. Their excitement was contagious though. I thoroughly enjoyed it, too.

The first photo is great because Everett is mimicking the flamingo! We saw a ton of animals and had such a fantastic day!

Pete & Repeat

The Petting Zoo

Lionel really enjoyed petting the animals and seeing them up close. Everett did it, but wanted to go back to the playground. The best part was when a deer started eating Lionel's shirt. He was excited yet terrified! Look closely.