Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Camp Mama Update

Here are some more highlights from Camp Mama. We also made some yummy treats like cornbread, yogurt bark, homemade popsicles, and french toast bites. We tried some new foods like gnocchi (everyone LOVED it!), apricots, eggplant, kiwano melon (DO NOT try it! Disgusting!) The activities below were some of my favorites. Moon sand is a mix of flour and baby oil and it was really soft and smelled delightful. It was a big hit - messy - but kept them busy for a long time. Lionel wondered if that is really what the sand on the moon felt like. The boys LOVED building their own boats and the wind cooperated that day and sailed them all over the pool. The ice block treasure hunt was just awesome! They loved freeing their little toys and it was the perfect thing on a hot afternoon. They had been patiently waiting to do the cup building ever since they spied the Costco bag of cups in my closet! That was super fun and I will pull that out again and again. Bubble snakes were fun, but they didn't make the long snake-like shapes I thought they would. We created our own original board game called Stano Swamp! Don't get caught in the mud or let a gator get you! Pool noodles and balloons make a great game - who would have thought? And finally, add Pop Rocks to a coke and blow up a balloon! Science in action.

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